My Internet Game (📌 bookmark me)

My Internet Game (📌 bookmark me)

Please save the link to this doc as you’ll get back to it often (it will be improved too)

I’m improving myself daily to discover my special knowledge, meet wonderful people and genuinely monetise my skills.

OG Reminders

I need to remind my global goals daily

🎯 My Fundamental Goal: discover my Specific Knowledge

I need to get closer to the answer every day (try to monetise things)

💥 My Fundamental Skills: Consciousness, Discipline and Empathy

I need to improve fundamental skills daily to improve other aspects of my life

🗓 I work daily to move closer to the goals. I should never forget my goals.

I should start every day with reminding yourself why I do it, how close I got to it and what can I change to move faster and smarter.

The Grit Playbook

The simplest guide for growth

🎯 My Goal For The Week (aka Challenge)

I set the goal weekly and report on the progress weekly.

My Weekly Challenge Is

👉 Tweet 70x times

Tweet = tweet, comment, quote and retweet (that’s what analytics show as “tweet”)

To tweet 70 times a day I need to tweet 10+ times a day.

To hit the numbers it’s better to tweet 13+ times a day.

Announce Goal → → →

Learn how to build in public → → →