
Nano Grit: Fundamentals

Use the Internet to productize yourself and live a wealthy life

Based on works of Naval Ravikant, Jack Butcher, Derek Sivers and other world-class entrepreuners

Published: Aug 7, 2023

Yo, I’m Igor 🤙

I’m building startups for more than 10 years.

I’m a “bit” of obsessed type of dudes and I tried lots of things fast.

That’s how we discovered some fundamental recipe for growth…

Yo, my name is
Yo, my name is Igor, it was nice to meet you!

mmmmhhhmm… 😅

Can we please switch to Twitter for a quick minute?

Here’s the GRIT aka GROWTH playbook in 1 tweet:

And…. that’s it! 🥳

That’s the course! ⚡️

That’s all secrets you need! 🥷

This course guides you through the growth principles and explains why every point matters.

OK, I’m ready to grow! Let’s Go → → →